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Шифр: H1 (Журнал)
Hazardous waste . - New York : Mary Ann Liebert, 1984 - 1984. - Перевод заглавия: Опасные отходы. - Выходит ежеквартально. - ISSN 0738-6168
В 1985г. переименовано в Hazardous waste and hazardous materials. - ISSN 0882-5696 (Шифр H2)
Зарегистрированы поступления:

Шифр: H1/1984/1/2

Hazardous waste . - New York : Mary Ann Liebert, 1984 - - 1984. - ISSN 0738-6168. - Выходит ежеквартально
1984г. Vol. 1 № 2
Dellinger, B. Determination of the thermal stability of selected hazardous organic compounds / B. Dellinger [и др.] . - С.137-157. - Bibliogr.: 41 ref.
Другие авторы: Torres J.L., Rubey W.A., Hall D.L., Graham J.L., Carnes R.A.
Castaldini, C. Field tests of industrial boilers cofiring hazardous wastes / C. Castaldini [и др.] . - С.159-165. - Bibliogr.: 4 ref.
Другие авторы: Mason H.B., DeRosier R.J., Unnasch S.
Acar, Y. B. Clay barrier technology for shallow land waste disposal facilities / Y. B. Acar, R. K. Seals. - С.167-181. - Bibliogr.: 34 ref.
Harris, R. H. Adverse health effects at a Tennessee hazardous waste disposal site / R. H. Harris [и др.] . - С.183-204. - Bibliogr.: 31 ref.
Другие авторы: Highland J.H., Rodricks J.V., Papadopulos S.S.
Admiston, C. E. Environmental assessment of carbamate toxicity: utilization of the Coomassie Blue G soluble protein assay as an index of environmental toxicity / C. E. Admiston, M. Goheen, G. W. Malaney. - С.205-215. - Bibliogr.: 20 ref.
Exner, J. H. In-place detoxication of dioxin-contaminated soil / J. H. Exner [и др.] . - С.217-223. - Bibliogr.: 9 ref.
Другие авторы: Alperin E.S., Groen A., Morren C.E.
Carnes, R. A. Characterization of the rotary kiln incinerator system at the USEPA Combustion Research Facility (CRF) / R. A. Carnes, F. C. Whitmore. - С.225-236. - Bibliogr.: 3 ref.
Barton, T. G. Mobile plasma pyrolysis / T. G. Barton. - С.237-247. - Bibliogr.: 5 ref.
Berkowitz, J. B. Assessment of state and regional needs for hazardous waste facilities / J. B. Berkowitz. - С.249-264. - Bibliogr.: 10 ref.
Rossignol, A. M. Epidemiology and hazardous wastes / A. M. Rossignol. - С.265-271. - Bibliogr.: 17 ref.
Pechenik, J. A. Difficulties in predicting the consequences of water-soluble pollutant input into the marine environment / J. A. Pechenik. - С.273-282. - Bibliogr.: 76 ref.
Имеются экземпляры в отделах: БЭ (1)
Шифр: H2 (Журнал)
Hazardous waste and hazardous materials. - New York : Mary Ann Liebert, 1985 - 1996. - Перевод заглавия: Опасные отходы и опасные материалы. - Выходит ежеквартально. - ISSN 0882-5696
В 1985г. переименовано из Hazardous waste. - ISSN 0738-6168 (Шифр H1)
В 1997г. переименовано в Environmental engineering science. - ISSN 1092-8758
Зарегистрированы поступления:
1996 1995 1994

Журнал на сайте издательства
Шифр: H2/1994/11/3

Hazardous waste and hazardous materials. - New York : Mary Ann Liebert, 1985 - - 1996. - ISSN 0882-5696. - Выходит ежеквартально
1994г. Vol. 11 № 3
Hoag, G. E. Soil vapor extraction and air sparging: Are we there yet? / G. E. Hoag. - С.357-359
Sorensen, F. Formulation and recycling of water based degreasing agents: Effects on occupational health and environmental protection / F. Sorensen, H. J.S. Petersen. - С.361-370. - Bibliogr.: 19 ref.
Zevenbergen, C. Morphological and chemical properties of MSWI bottom ash with respect to the glassy constituents / C. Zevenbergen [и др.] . - С.371-383. - Bibliogr.: 25 ref.
Другие авторы: Vanderwood T., Bradley J.P., Vanderbroeck P.F.C.W., Orbons A.J., Vanreeuwijk L.P.
Huang, Y. C. Surfactant enhanced ultrafiltration of heavy metals from waste streams with pilot scale system / Y. C. Huang, B. Batchelor, S. S. Koseoglu. - С.385-395. - Bibliogr.: 7 ref.
Kang, G. Y. Degradation of pentachlorophenol in bench scale bioreactors using the white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium / G. Y. Kang, D. K. Stevens. - С.397-410. - Bibliogr.: 17 ref.
Liang, R. H. Biodegradation of pentachlorophenol in soil amended with the white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium / R. H. Liang, M. J. Mcfarland. - С.411-421. - Bibliogr.: 14 ref.
Viraraghavan, T. Removal of pentachlorophenol from wastewater using feat / T. Viraraghavan, S. Tanjore. - С.423-433. - Bibliogr.: 21 ref.
Duke, L. D. Pollution prevention and hazardous waste management in two industrial metal finishing facilities / L. D. Duke. - С.435-457. - Bibliogr.: 20 ref.
Имеются экземпляры в отделах: БЭ (1)
Шифр: H2/1994/11/4

Hazardous waste and hazardous materials. - New York : Mary Ann Liebert, 1985 - - 1996. - ISSN 0882-5696. - Выходит ежеквартально
1994г. Vol. 11 № 4
Overcash, M. R. Cleaner Technology Life Cycle Methods - European Research and Development 1992-1994 / M. R. Overcash. - С.459-477. - Bibliogr.: 2 ref.
Mcfarland, M. J. Physicochemical Limitations to the Biotransformation of Pentachlorophenol in Soil / M. J. Mcfarland, A. Ramaprasad, I. P. Muraka. - С.479-489. - Bibliogr.: 9 ref.
Mckay, D. J. Biodegradation of Trichloroethylene by Alcaligenes eutrophus JMP134 in a Laboratory Scale Bioreactor / D. J. Mckay, J. S. Morse, T. C. Hazen. - С.491-499. - Bibliogr.: 16 ref.
Chun, H. D. Photocatalytic Oxidation of Chlorinated Organic Compounds over TiO2 Membrane Coated on Glass Tube / H. D. Chun, J. K. Park. - С.501-510. - Bibliogr.: 14 ref.
Ososkov, V. Removal of Cr(VI) from Chromium Contaminated Sites by Washing with Hot Water / V. Ososkov, J. W. Bozzelli. - С.511-517. - Bibliogr.: 15 ref.
Kafkewitz, D. Immobilization of Heavy Metals in Incinerator Ash by the Activity of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans / D. Kafkewitz [и др.] . - С.519-527. - Bibliogr.: 15 ref.
Другие авторы: Armenante P.M., Hinshalwood G., Sanagustin G.
Taylor, M. A. Effects of Accelerators on Stabilization of K061 Hazardous Waste / M. A. Taylor, R. W. Fuessle. - С.529-539. - Bibliogr.: 21 ref.
Chen, Y. Y. A Steady State Model of a Rotary Kiln Incinerator / Y. Y. Chen, D. J. Lee. - С.541-559
Имеются экземпляры в отделах: БЭ (1)
Шифр: H2/1994/11/2

Hazardous waste and hazardous materials. - New York : Mary Ann Liebert, 1985 - - 1996. - ISSN 0882-5696. - Выходит ежеквартально
1994г. Vol. 11 № 2
Robbat, A. Hazardous waste site investigation and cleanup - innovative technologies, an alternative approach / A. Robbat. - С.249-251
Clarke, A. N. A review of polychlorinated dibenzofurans and polychlorinated dibenzodioxins in sediments in the United-States and international waterways / A. N. Clarke [и др.] . - С.253-275. - Bibliogr.: 43 ref.
Другие авторы: Megehee M.M., Lowe D.L., Clarke J.H.
Wilshire, F. W. Effect of soot build-up while sampling with the volatile organic sampling train (VOST) / F. W. Wilshire, L. D. Johnson, G. D. Hinshaw. - С.277-287. - Bibliogr.: 8 ref.
Fuessle, R. W. Comparison of fly ash versus silica fume stabilization - long-term results / R. W. Fuessle, M. A. Taylor. - С.289-298. - Bibliogr.: 14 ref.
Hsieh, H. N. Thermal treatment and stabilization of the BTM / H. N. Hsieh [и др.] . - С.299-309. - Bibliogr.: 13 ref.
Другие авторы: Yu Q.R., Chang J., Burn T.
Hsieh, H. N. Solidification stabilization of contaminated soil and concrete debris with thermal-treated BTM / H. N. Hsieh [и др.] . - С.311-317. - Bibliogr.: 9 ref.
Другие авторы: Yu Q.R., Chang J., Burn T.
Modi, M. The effects of codisposal of alkaline hazardous waste with municipal solid waste of leachate contamination / M. Modi, D. W. Kirk. - С.319-333. - Bibliogr.: 23 ref.
Lou, J. C. A study of trihalomethanes formation in a water distribution system / J. C. Lou, P. C. Chiang. - С.333-343. - Bibliogr.: 16 ref.
Greiner, T. J. Measuring toxics use reduction in the metal intensive industries / T. J. Greiner [и др.] . - С.345-356. - Bibliogr.: 8 ref.
Другие авторы: Paluzzi J.E., Colombo L., Wyman S., Whichard C.
Имеются экземпляры в отделах: БЭ (1)
Шифр: H2/1994/11/1

Hazardous waste and hazardous materials. - New York : Mary Ann Liebert, 1985 - - 1996. - ISSN 0882-5696. - Выходит ежеквартально
1994г. Vol. 11 № 1
Scroggin, D. G. Detection limits and variability in testing methods for environmental pollutants - misuse may produce significant liabilities / D. G. Scroggin. - С.1-4
Wagner, H. G. The influence of operating conditions on the formation of soot and hydrocarbons in flames / H. G. Wagner. - С.5-29. - Bibliogr.: 47 ref.
Cowley, R. J. Development and execution of a metals pretest program for a hazardous waste incinerator / R. J. Cowley, B. P. Gallagher, B. M. Nee. - С.31-51. - Bibliogr.: 12 ref.
Ho, T. C. Analysis of incinerator performance and metal emissions from recent trial and test burns / T. C. Ho [и др.] . - С.53-70. - Bibliogr.: 13 ref.
Другие авторы: Lee H.T., Kuo T.H., Chen D., Bostick W.D.
Wu, C. Y. Model to assess heavy metal emission from municipal solid waste incineration / C. Y. Wu, P. Biswas, N. J. Fendinger. - С.71-92. - Bibliogr.: 47 ref.
Hinshaw, G. D. Behavior and control of metals in a hazardous waste incinerator / G. D. Hinshaw. - С.93-109. - Bibliogr.: 6 ref.
LemieuxP.M. Operating parameters to minimize emissions during rotary kiln emergency safety vent opening / LemieuxP.M. [и др.] . - С.111-128. - Bibliogr.: 19 ref.
Другие авторы: Linak W.P., DeBenedictis C., Ryan J.V., Wendt J.O.L., Dunn J.E.
Sudnick, J. J. VOC control techniques / J. J. Sudnick, D. L. Corwin. - С.129-143. - Bibliogr.: 7 ref.
Kolluri, R. The effect of the electric field on the formation of PCDD in electrostatic precipitators / R. Kolluri, E. Altwicker. - С.145-156. - Bibliogr.: 31 ref.
Schreiber, R. J. Hydrocarbon emissions from cement kilns burning hazardous waste / R. J. Schreiber, K. Strubberg. - С.157-167. - Bibliogr.: 6 ref.
Sarofim, A. F. Emissions of metal and organic compounds from cement kilns using waste derived fuels / A. F. Sarofim [и др.] . - С.169-192. - Bibliogr.: 23 ref.
Другие авторы: Pershing D.W., Dellinger B., Heap M.P., Owens W.D.
Hart, J. R. Comparison of emissions from burning hazardous waste in a dry-process cement kiln with emissions from burning conventional fossil fuels / J. R. Hart. - С.193-199. - Bibliogr.: 5 ref.
Lamb, C. W. Detailed determination of organic emissions from a preheater cement kiln co-fired with liquid hazaedous wastes / C. W. Lamb [и др.] . - С.201-216. - Bibliogr.: 14 ref.
Другие авторы: Miller F.M., Roth A., Dellinger B., Sidhu S.
Biagioni, J. R. Development of an environmentally acceptable thermal treatment alternative for energetic material / J. R. Biagioni. - С.217-226. - Bibliogr.: 3 ref.
Wu, Y. -P.G. Mass transfer studies related to thermal adsorption-desorption of benzene and chlorobenzene on soil matrices / Y. -P.G. Wu, J. W. Bozzelli. - С.227-236. - Bibliogr.: 25 ref.
Wittle, J. K. DC graphite arc furnace and diagnostic system for soils / J. K. Wittle [и др.] . - С.237-248. - Bibliogr.: 9 ref.
Другие авторы: Titus C.H., Hamilton R.A., Cohn D.R., Smatlak D.L., Woskov P.P., Thomas P., Surma J.E.
Имеются экземпляры в отделах: БЭ (1)
Шифр: H2/1995/12/2

Hazardous waste and hazardous materials. - New York : Mary Ann Liebert, 1985 - - 1996. - ISSN 0882-5696. - Выходит ежеквартально
1995г. Vol. 12 № 2
Reddy, K. R. A review of in-situ air sparging for the remediation of VOC-contaminated saturated soils and groundwater / K. R. Reddy, S. Kosgi, J. N. Zhou. - С.97-118. - Bibliogr.: 42 ref.
Elmejdoub, N. Study of the thermal degradation of hexachlorobenzene in the presence of a hydrogen donor (CH4) / N. Elmejdoub, L. Delfosse. - С.119-132. - Bibliogr.: 23 ref.
Saripalli, G. R. Fate of trace metals during agglomeration of Blue Creek coals with used motor oil / G. R. Saripalli, R. A. Griffin, D. W. Arnold. - С.133-148. - Bibliogr.: 19 ref.
Stockmeyer, M. R. Contaminant transport in organophilic waste deposit liners / M. R. Stockmeyer, F. T. Madsen, G. Kahr. - С.149-166. - Bibliogr.: 17 ref.
Smith, D. P. Submegred filter biotreatment of hazardous leachate in aerobic, anaerobic, and anaerobic/aerobic systems / D. P. Smith. - С.167-183. - Bibliogr.: 25 ref.
Lou, J. C. Chemical oxidation of BTX using Fenton's reagent / J. C. Lou, S. S. Lee. - С.185-193. - Bibliogr.: 19 ref.
Имеются экземпляры в отделах: БЭ (1)
Шифр: H2/1995/12/4

Hazardous waste and hazardous materials. - New York : Mary Ann Liebert, 1985 - - 1996. - ISSN 0882-5696. - Выходит ежеквартально
1995г. Vol. 12 № 4
Spongberg, A. L. Volatilization of toxic organic compounds during in-vessel composting of hazardous waste / A. L. Spongberg, K. W. Brown. - С.295-307. - Bibliogr.: 12 ref.
ElFadel, M. Migration and atmospheric emission of landfill gas / M. ElFadel, A. N. Findikakis, J. O. Leckie. - С.309-327. - Bibliogr.: 120 ref.
Haught, R. C. Land treatment alternatives for bioremediating wood preserving wastes / R. C. Haught [и др.] . - С.329-344. - Bibliogr.: 10 ref.
Другие авторы: Neogy R., Vonderhaar S.S., Krishnan E.R., Safferman S.I., Ryan J.
VanKemenade, I. Bioremediation enhancement of phenanthrene contaminated soils by chemical pre-oxidation / I. VanKemenade [и др.] . - С.345-355. - Bibliogr.: 21 ref.
Другие авторы: Anderson W.A., Scharer J.M., MooYoung M.
Ray, A. B. Adsorption of surfactant on clays / A. B. Ray, J. Z. Ma, M. Borst. - С.357-364. - Bibliogr.: 8 ref.
Cho, J. S. Soil air permeability measurement with a transient pressure buildup method / J. S. Cho, D. Ellett. - С.365-371. - Bibliogr.: 13 ref.
Kendall, D. S. The determination of sulfur and chlorine in used oil by x-ray fluorescence, ICP and ion chromatography / D. S. Kendall [и др.] . - С.373-380. - Bibliogr.: 12 ref.
Другие авторы: Schoenwald S.D., Siao M., Hendricks S.
Whelan, G. Mn-catalyzed oxidation of naphthalenediol / G. Whelan, R. C. Sims. - С.381-394. - Bibliogr.: 28 ref.
Chen, K. S. Visualization studies of three dimensional flow and solid motion in rotary kiln / K. S. Chen, M. Lee. - С.395-409. - Bibliogr.: 20 ref.
Имеются экземпляры в отделах: БЭ (1)
Шифр: H2/1995/12/1

Hazardous waste and hazardous materials. - New York : Mary Ann Liebert, 1985 - - 1996. - ISSN 0882-5696. - Выходит ежеквартально
1995г. Vol. 12 № 1
Cwik, C. H. The use and misuse of scientific evidence in the courtroom / C. H. Cwik. - С.U4-U7. - Bibliogr.: 7 ref.
Heida, H. Risk assessment approach to evaluating potential remedial actions at the Diemerzeedijk hazardous waste site / H. Heida, M. Vandenberg, K. Olie. - С.1-14. - Bibliogr.: 15 ref.
Ho, C. L. Development of an injection system for in situ catalyzed peroxide remediation of contaminated soil / C. L. Ho, M. A.A. Shebl, R. J. Watts. - С.15-25. - Bibliogr.: 19 ref.
Ramanand, K. Biodegradation of select organic pollutants in soil columns under denitrifying conditions / K. Ramanand, M. T. Balba, J. Duffy. - С.27-36. - Bibliogr.: 17 ref.
Lou, J. C. Destruction of butanone and toluene with catalytic incineration / J. C. Lou, C. L. Chen. - С.37-49. - Bibliogr.: 11 ref.
Wang, L. M. The inhibitory effects of chlorocarbon addition to fuel rich methane/air combustion / L. M. Wang, R. B. Barat. - С.51-60. - Bibliogr.: 12 ref.
Johnson, L. D. Development of a laboratory method for estimation of hydrogen chloride emission potential of incinerator feed materials / L. D. Johnson [и др.] . - С.61-69. - Bibliogr.: 8 ref.
Другие авторы: Fuerst R.G., Logan T.J., Midgett M.R., Peterson M.R., Albritton J., Jayanty R.K.M.
Chiang, L. C. Electrochemical treatability of refractory pollutants in landfill leachate / L. C. Chiang, J. E. Chang, T. C. Wen. - С.71-82. - Bibliogr.: 15 ref.
Boy, J. H. Chromium stabilization chemistry of paint removal wastes in portland cement and blast furnace slag / J. H. Boy [и др.] . - С.83-95. - Bibliogr.: 15 ref.
Другие авторы: Race T.D., Reinbold K.A., Bukowski J., Zhu X.F.
Имеются экземпляры в отделах: БЭ (1)
Шифр: H2/1996/13/1

Hazardous waste and hazardous materials. - New York : Mary Ann Liebert, 1985 - - 1996. - ISSN 0882-5696. - Выходит ежеквартально
1996г. Vol. 13 № 1
Chang, D. P.Y. Chlorine in waste combustion / D. P.Y. Chang. - С.U3-U5. - Bibliogr.: 5 ref.
Huotari, J. PCDD/F emissions from co-combustion of RDF with peat, wood waste, and coal in FBC boilers / J. Huotari, R. Vesterinen. - С.1-10. - Bibliogr.: 11 ref.
Ghorishi, S. B. Rapid high temperature formation of polychlorinated dioxins and furans in the bed region of a heterogeneous spouted bed combustor: Development of a surface mediated model for the formation of dioxins / S. B. Ghorishi, E. R. Altwicker. - С.11-22. - Bibliogr.: 25 ref.
Pasek, R. J. Investigation of thermal decomposition of chlorinated polymers / R. J. Pasek, D. P.Y. Chang, A. D. Jones. - С.23-38. - Bibliogr.: 44 ref.
Sacchi, G. F. Experimental and numerical studies of PIC formation during chlorocarbon combustion: Development of a failure mode diagnostic system for hazardous waste incinerators / G. F. Sacchi [и др.] . - С.39-49. - Bibliogr.: 15 ref.
Другие авторы: Procaccini C., Longwell J.P., Sarofim A.F.
Yalcin, S. Spectroscopic characterization of laser-produced plasmas for in situ toxic metal monitoring / S. Yalcin [и др.] . - С.51-61. - Bibliogr.: 35 ref.
Другие авторы: Crosley D.R., Smith G.P., Faris G.W.
Karimanal, K. V. Effect of temperature and flow on the volatilization of elemental lead and cadmium / K. V. Karimanal, M. J. Hall. - С.63-71. - Bibliogr.: 16 ref.
Venkatesh, S. Evaluation of mineral-based additives as sorbents for hazardous trace metal capture and immobilization in incineration processes / S. Venkatesh [и др.] . - С.73-94. - Bibliogr.: 14 ref.
Другие авторы: Fournier D.J., Waterland L.R., Carroll G.J.
Karatza, D. Removal of mercuric chloride from flue gas by sulfur impregnated activated carbon / D. Karatza [и др.] . - С.95-105. - Bibliogr.: 22 ref.
Другие авторы: Lancia A., Musmarra D., Pepe F., Volpicelli G.
Huang, H. S. Development of dry control technology for emissions of mercury in flue gas / H. S. Huang, J. A.M. Wu, C. D. Livengood. - С.107-119. - Bibliogr.: 12 ref.
Manoucheri, M. Polystyrene soot agglomeration enhancement in an ultrasonic acoustic field / M. Manoucheri, O. A. Ezekoye. - С.121-130. - Bibliogr.: 14 ref.
Ramasamy, V. Combustion by-products destruction by arc plasma / V. Ramasamy [и др.] . - С.131-141. - Bibliogr.: 27 ref.
Другие авторы: Li T.X., Saito K., Cremers C.J., Majidi V.
Filius, K. D. Emissions characterization and off-gas system development for processing simulated mixed waste in a plasma centrifugal furnace / K. D. Filius, C. G. Whitworth. - С.143-152. - Bibliogr.: 5 ref.
Batdorf, J. A. Offgas emissions from the plasma hearth process / J. A. Batdorf [и др.] . - С.153-165. - Bibliogr.: 10 ref.
Другие авторы: Geimer R.M., Hassel G.R., Wolfe W.P.
Имеются экземпляры в отделах: БЭ (1)
Шифр: H2/1996/13/3

Hazardous waste and hazardous materials. - New York : Mary Ann Liebert, 1985 - - 1996. - ISSN 0882-5696. - Выходит ежеквартально
1996г. Vol. 13 № 3
El-Fadel, M. Estimating and enhancing methane yield from municipal solid waste / M. El-Fadel, A. N. Findikakis, J. O. Leckie. - С.309-331. - Bibliogr.: 185 ref.
Faschan, A. A model to predict the TCLP leaching of solidified organic wastes / A. Faschan, M. Tittlebaum, F. Cartledge. - С.333-350. - Bibliogr.: 18 ref.
Sadler, L. Y. Effects of organic liquids on the permeability of Selma chalk / L. Y. Sadler, C. S. Donald. - С.351-361. - Bibliogr.: 21 ref.
McFarland, M. J. Composting treatment of alachlor impacted soil amended with the white rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium / M. J. McFarland [и др.] . - С.363-373. - Bibliogr.: 19 ref.
Другие авторы: Salladay D., Ash D., Baiden E.
Chandra, S. D. Biodegradation of sorbed fluorene in sediment slurries / S. D. Chandra, C. H. Ward, J. B. Hughes. - С.375-385. - Bibliogr.: 29 ref.
Thomson, M. Reducing hazardous waste incinerator emissions through blending: A study of 1,1,1-trichloroethane injection / M. Thomson [и др.] . - С.387-398. - Bibliogr.: 17 ref.
Другие авторы: Lucas D., Koshland C.P., Sawyer R.F.
Lou, J. C. An experimental and numerical study of the thermal oxidation of carbon tetrachloride / J. C. Lou, Z. H. Chou. - С.399-407. - Bibliogr.: 24 ref.
Niemeyer, S. The public's view of household hazardous waste / S. Niemeyer. - С.409-417. - Bibliogr.: 15 ref.
Имеются экземпляры в отделах: БЭ (1)
Шифр: C2/2004/34/5

Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. - Boca Raton ; Ann Arbor ; Tokyo : CRC Press, 1970 - . - ISSN 1064-3389. - Выходит раз в два месяца
2004г. Vol. 34 № 5
Slack, R. J. Hazardous components of household waste / R.J. Slack, J.R. Gronow, N. Voulvoulis. - С.419-445
Gentry, Terry J. New approaches for bioaugmentation as a remediation technology / T.J. Gentry, C. Rensing, I.L. Pepper. - С.447-494
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