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    Marussio, G.
    Projecting the nanoworld: Concepts, results and perspectives of molecular electronics / G. Marussio, R. Cingolani, R. Rinaldi // J. Mater. Chem. - 2004. - Vol. 14, Iss. 4. - p. 542-554. - Bibliogr.: 61 ref. - Папка 3/4 +

Имеются экземпляры в отделах:

    Rotkin, S. V.
    Nanotube light-controlled electronic switch / S. V. Rotkin, I. Zharov // Int. J. of Nanoscience. - 2002. - Vol. 1, № 3-4. - p. 347-355. - Bibliogr.: 26 ref. - +
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
nanotube -- light-controlled switch -- theory -- electronic structure

Имеются экземпляры в отделах:

    Preparation and characterization of acrylic-based electronic inks by in situ emulsifier-free emulsion polymerization for electrophoretic displays [Text] / Dong-Guk Yu [et al.] // Chem. Mater. - 2004. - Vol. 16, № 23. - p. 4693-4698. - Bibliogr.: 24 ref. - +
Имеются экземпляры в отделах:

    Chemical effects in organic electronics [Text] / H. Chen [et al.] // Chem. Mater. - 2004. - Vol. 16, № 23. - p. 4728-4735. - Bibliogr.: 73 ref. - +
Имеются экземпляры в отделах:
Шифр: С-1/2004/104/11

Chemical Reviews [Текст]/ American Chemical Society : Amer. Chem. Soc., 1924 - . - ISSN 0009-2665. - Выходит ежемесячно
2004г. Vol. 104 № 11 . - Molecular conductors
Batail, P. Introduction: molecular conductors / P. Batail. - С.4887-4890
Bendikov, M. Tetrathiafulvalenes, oligoacenenes, and their buckminsterfullerene derivatives: the brick and mortar of organic electronics / M. Bendikov, F. Wudl, D. F. Perepichka. - С.4891-4945. - Bibliogr.: 437 ref.
Mori, T. Organic conductors with unusual band fillings / T. Mori. - С.4947-4969. - Bibliogr.: 209 ref.
Bredas, J. -L. Charge-transfer and energy-transfer processes in "пи"-conjugated oligomers and polymers: a molecular picture / J. -L. Bredas [et al.] . - С.4971-5003. - Bibliogr.: 164 ref.
Другие авторы: Beljonne D., Coropceanu V., Cornil J.
Seo, H. Toward systematic understanding of diversity of electronic properties in low-dimensional molecular solids / H. Seo, C. Hotta, H. Fukuyama. - С.5005-5036. - Bibliogr.: 186 ref.
Giamarchi, T. Theoretical framework for quasi-one dimensional systems / T. Giamarchi. - С.5037-5055. - Bibliogr.: 134 ref.
Yamada, J. New trends in the synthesis of "пи"-electron donors for molecular conductors and superconductors / J. Yamada [et al.] . - С.5057-5083. - Bibliogr.: 71 ref.
Другие авторы: Akutsu H., Nishikawa H., Kikuchi K.
Iyoda, M. Bi-TTF, bis-TTF, and related TTF oligomers / M. Iyoda, M. Hasegawa, Y. Miyake. - С.5085-5113. - Bibliogr.: 155 ref.
Jeppesen, J. O. Tetrathiafulvalene cyclophanes and cage molecules / J. O. Jeppesen, M. B. Nielsen, J. Becher. - С.5115-5131. - Bibliogr.: 47 ref.
Fabre, J. M. Synthesis strategies and chemistry of nonsymmetrically substituted tetrachalcogenafulvalenes / J. M. Fabre. - С.5133-5150. - Bibliogr.: 265 ref.
Gorgues, A. Highly functionalized tetrathiafulvalenes: riding along the systhetic trail from electrophilic alkynes / A. Gorgues, P. Hudhomme, M. Salle. - С.5151-5184. - Bibliogr.: 250 ref.
lorcy, D. Dithiadiazafulvalenes: promising precursors of molecular materials / D. lorcy, N. Bellec. - С.5185-5202. - Bibliogr.: 91 ref.
Geiser, U. Conducting organic radical cation salts with organic and organometallic anions / U. Geiser, J. A. Schlueter. - С.5203-5241. - Bibliogr.: 264 ref.
Kobayashi, A. Single-component molecular metals with extended-TTF dithilate ligands / A. Kobayashi, E. Fujiwara, H. Kobayashi. - С.5243-5264. - Bibliogr.: 73 ref.
Kobayashi, H. Organic metals and superconductors based on BETS (BETS=Bis(ethylenedithio)tetraselenafulvalene) / H. Kobayashi, H. Cui, A. Kobayashi. - С.5265-5288. - Bibliogr.: 112 ref.
Rovira, C. Bis(ethylenethio)tetrathiofulvalene (BET-TTF) and related dissymmetrical electron donors: from the molecule to functional molecular materials and devices (OFETs) / C. Rovira. - С.5289-5317. - Bibliogr.: 85 ref.
Kato, R. Conducting metal dithiolene complexes: structural and electronic properties / R. Kato. - С.5319-5346. - Bibliogr.: 142 ref.
Shibaeva, R. P. Molecular conductors and superconductors based on trihalides of BEDT-TTF and some of its analogues / R. P. Shibaeva, E. B. Yagubskii. - С.5347-5378. - Bibliogr.: 173 ref.
Fourmigue, M. Activation of hydrogen- and halogen-bonding iteractions in tetrathiafulvalene-based crystalline molecular conductors / M. Fourmigue, P. Batail. - С.5379-5418. - Bibliogr.: 181 ref.
Coronado, E. Magnetic molecular conductors / E. Coronado, P. Day. - С.5419-5448. - Bibliogr.: 130 ref.
Enoki, T. Magnetic TTF-based charge-transfer complexes / T. Enoki, A. Miyazaki. - С.5449-5477. - Bibliogr.: 153 ref.
Talham, D. R. Conducting and magnetic Langmuir-Blodgett films / D. R. Talham. - С.5479-5501. - Bibliogr.: 204 ref.
Inabe, T. Phthalocyanines-versatile components of molecular conductors / T. Inabe, H. Tajima. - С.5503-5533. - Bibliogr.: 131 ref.
Hunig, S. N,N'-Dicyanoquinone diimines (DCNQIs): versatile acceptors for organic conductors / S. Hunig, E. Herberth. - С.5535-5563. - Bibliogr.: 395 ref.
Jerome, D. Organic conductors: from charge density wave TTF-TCNQ to superconducting (TMTSF)2PF6 / D. Jerome. - С.5565-5591. - Bibliogr.: 217 ref.
Kagoshima, S. Control of electronic properties of molecular conductors by uniaxial strain / S. Kagoshima, R. Kondo. - С.5593-5608. - Bibliogr.: 95 ref.
Ravy, S. Study of molecular conductors by X-ray diffuse scattering / S. Ravy. - С.5609-5634. - Bibliogr.: 213 ref.
Miyagawa, K. NMR studies on two-dimensional molecular conductors and superconductors: mott transition in k-(BEDT-TTF)2X / K. Miyagawa, K. Kanoda. - С.5635-5653. - Bibliogr.: 72 ref.
Coulon, C. Electron spin resonanse: a major probe for molecular conductors / C. Coulon, R. Clerac. - С.5655-5687. - Bibliogr.: 502 ref.
Dressel, M. Optical properties of two-dimensional organic conductors: signatures of charge ordering and correlation effects / M. Dressel, N. Drichko. - С.5689-5715. - Bibliogr.: 161 ref.
Blundell, S. J. Muon-spin rotation studies of electronic properties of molecular conductors and superconductors / S. J. Blundell. - С.5717-5735. - Bibliogr.: 158 ref.
Kartsovnik, M. V. High magnetic fields: a tool for studying electronic properties of layered organic metals / M. V. Kartsovnik. - С.5737-5781. - Bibliogr.: 304 ref.
Имеются экземпляры в отделах:

    James, Dustin K..
    Electrical measurements in molecular electronics : review / D. K. James, J. M. Tour // Chem Mater. - 2004. - Vol. 16, № 23. - p. 4423-4435. - Bibliogr.: 72 ref. - +

Имеются экземпляры в отделах:

    McCreery, Richard L..
    Molecular electronic junctions : review / R. L. McCreery // Chem. Mater. - 2004. - Vol. 16, № 23. - p. 4477-4496. - Bibliogr.: 228 ref. - +

Имеются экземпляры в отделах:

    Electron transport materials for organic light-emitting diodes : review / A. P. Kulkarni [et al.] // Chem. Mater. - 2004. - Vol. 16, № 23. - p. 4556-4573. - Bibliogr.: 95 ref. - +

Имеются экземпляры в отделах:

    Recent progress in organic electronics: materials, devices, and processes : review / T. W. Kelley [et al.] // Chem. Mater. - 2004. - Vol. 16, № 23. - p. 4413-4422. - Bibliogr.: 43 ref. - +

Имеются экземпляры в отделах:

    Kwon, Tae Woo.
    n-Type conjugated dendrimers: convergent synthesis, photophysics, electroluminescence, and use as electron-transport materials for light-emitting diodes [Text] / Tae Woo Kwon, M. M. Alam, S. A. Jenekhe // Chem. Mater. - 2004. - Vol. 16, № 23. - p. 4657-4666. - Bibliogr.: 28 ref. - +
Имеются экземпляры в отделах:

    Lieber, Charles M..
    One-dimensional nanostructures: chemistry, physics & applications / C. M. Lieber // Solid State Commun. - 1998. - Vol. 107, No. 11. - p. 607-616. - Bibliogr.: 44 ref. - Папка 1/21 +
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
nanostructures -- crystal growth -- scanning tunnelling microscopy -- electronic band structure -- mechanical properties

Имеются экземпляры в отделах:

    Lukas, Aaron S..
    Approaches to a molecular switch using photoinduced electron and energy transfer / A. S. Lukas, M. R. Wasielewski // Molecular switches / ed. by B. L. Feringa. - Weinheim et al., 2001. - Chap. 1. - p. 1-35. - Bibliogr.: 209 ref. - Папка 2/6 +

Имеются экземпляры в отделах:

    Fahlman, M.
    Surfaces and interfaces in polymer-based electronics / M. Fahlman, W. R. Salaneck // Surf. Sci. - 2002. - Vol. 500, Iss. 1-3. - p. 904-922. - Bibliogr.: 83 ref. - Папка 3/5 +
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
photoelectron spectroscopy -- electroluminescence -- photoluminescence -- heterojunctions -- conductivity -- surface chemical reaction

Имеются экземпляры в отделах:

    MacDiarmid, Alan G..
    Polyaniline and polypyrrole: where are we headed? / A. G. MacDiarmid // Synth. Met. - 1997. - Vol. 84, Iss. 1-3. - p. 27-34. - Bibliogr.: 34 ref. - +
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
polyaniline and derivatives -- polypyrrole and derivatives -- detectors -- scanning electron microscopy -- electroluminescence

Имеются экземпляры в отделах:

    Tanaka, Jiro.
    Electronic structure and phase transformation of alkali metal doped polyacetylene / J. Tanaka, C. Tanaka // Synth. Met. - 1997. - Vol. 84, Iss. 1-3. - p. 719-720. - Bibliogr.: 14 ref. - +
Кл.слова (ненормированные):
ab initio quantum chemical methods and calculation -- electrochemical doping -- polyacetylene -- photoelectron spectroscopy -- metal-insulator phase transition -- magnetic phase transition

Имеются экземпляры в отделах:

    Hipps, K. W.
    Electron tunneling, a quantum probe for the quantum world of nanotechnology [Text] / K. W. Hipps, L. Scudiero // J. Chem. Educ. - 2005. - Vol. 82, No. 5. - p. 704-710. - Папка 8/6. - К/коп. - +
Имеются экземпляры в отделах:

    Bendikov, M.
    Tetrathiafulvalenes, oligoacenenes, and their buckminsterfullerene derivatives: the brick and mortar of organic electronics [Text] / M. Bendikov, F. Wudl, D. F. Perepichka // Chem. Rev. - 2004. - Vol. 104, № 11. - p. 4891-4945. - Bibliogr.: 437 ref. - К/коп. - + . - ISSN 0009-2665

Имеются экземпляры в отделах:

    Seo, H.
    Toward systematic understanding of diversity of electronic properties in low-dimensional molecular solids [Text] / H. Seo, C. Hotta, H. Fukuyama // Chem. Rev. - 2004. - Vol. 104, № 11. - p. 5005-5036. - Bibliogr.: 186 ref. - К/коп. - + . - ISSN 0009-2665

Имеются экземпляры в отделах:

    New trends in the synthesis of "пи"-electron donors for molecular conductors and superconductors [Text] / J. Yamada [et al.] // Chem. Rev. - 2004. - Vol. 104, № 11. - p. 5057-5083. - Bibliogr.: 71 ref. - К/коп. - + . - ISSN 0009-2665

Имеются экземпляры в отделах:

    Rovira, C.
    Bis(ethylenethio)tetrathiofulvalene (BET-TTF) and related dissymmetrical electron donors: from the molecule to functional molecular materials and devices (OFETs) [Text] / C. Rovira // Chem. Rev. - 2004. - Vol. 104, № 11. - p. 5289-5317. - Bibliogr.: 85 ref. - К/коп. - + . - ISSN 0009-2665

Имеются экземпляры в отделах:
 1-10    11-20   21-25 
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